15 Mostly Sacramento Podcasts To Check Out

Podcasting at Empire's
On our FB Page, we asked about local podcasts and you came through with quite a list! Here they are. They range from mostly geek related to horror to creatives to sports. If you come across an active Northern California podcast that should be included, let us know in the comments and we'll update the list.

In most cases we used their own podcast descriptions. If you'd like us to update your description, just let us know.

Please note: Some podcasts contain explicit material.

Active Sacramento podcasters 

  • Inside The Bucket: The official podcast of SandwichJohnFilms.com with contributors John Meneghetti and Matt Cummings (as well as special guests) who discuss the movie news, TV shows, reviews, giveaways and screening tickets. We are the largest distributor of online passes to screenings in the Northern California area. (Added 06.16.2014)
  • He’s Got Issues: Comic book news, highlights and reviews.
  • Metropolis Comix Podcast: The Metropolis Comix crew explore the hottest comics, latest comics news, and whats hot at Metropolis Comix
  • Fist Full of Potions / MultiTap Podcast: Fist Full of Potions = Gaming news and opinions. MultiTap = Gaming discussions from Now and Then.
  • Geek Life: Comics, games, movies, zombies. All that and much more.
  • Short Nerdy Guy: My name is jay and I love reading comic and drinking coffee, so I wanted to share my thoughts and my passion for these things that I love.
  • Geek Charisma: For the love of geeks, tune in.
  • The Gravy Age: Comic books, movies, and other geek news.
  • The Capeless Crusaders: Geeky goodness, news and reviews.
  • The Mouths of Madness: Horror, sic-fi, and all that.
  • cinePLEXED: A podcast about movies. Each week a bunch of fools get together and discuss the latest movie news, rumors, and trailers coming out of the world of cinema, as well as reviewing two films that we sometimes pick at random, and sometimes pick with a theme. cinePLEXED is also slowly turning into the umbrella name for our little network of podcasts, because we can’t afford to put all of our shows in their own feed.
  • The Junior & Leo Show: We explore the creative mind by talking shop with creators from a vast array of mediums. Actors, Writers, Comedians, Artists, Podcasters, Wrestlers, etc… we talk to them all!
  • SacAnnexSacramento sports, opinion, and laughs.
  • Geek Girl Crafts Podcast: We are three geek girls that love to craft and talk about our particular geek genres in excruciating detail -- from SF/F, conventions, anime, gaming, books, movies, and everything else in between. And then we'll talk more about costuming & cosplaying, fiber arts, and anything craft-related.
  • A Podcast for All Intents and Purposes: Nerdly info, fun, and happiness.
  • Empire’s Comics Vault’s Podcast, aka, Empire’s Open Podcast - Talking comic books, movies, television and other topics on the minds of the shop’s fans. 

Local podcasts on hiatus (we hope):

  • The Nerd Sharks: Um. Nerds. Talking. It gets crazy.
  • Game of Bros: This is what happens when Bros get together and talk while recording.

FCBD Teaser Video from Fist Full of Potions

It was fantastic to have podcast coverage of our Free Comic Book Day Mini-Con. Not only did we have Comics & Coffee but also that fun-tastic gents of Fist Full of Potions.

Here's the FFoP FCBD Mini-Con teaser video. Coming soon we'll have even more video goodness from Fist Full of Potions. We'll share it as soon as it becomes available. In the meantime, enjoy.

Podcasters FFoP at Sacramento comic shop

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Fist Full of Potions at Free Comic Book Day Mini-Con 2014

New at this year's Free Comic Book Mini-Con: Podcasters! Talk with the gents of Fist Full of Potions at FCBD Mini-Con 2014. They'll be live streaming from the Mini-Con and chatting up attendees about their favorite topics -- video games, comic books, and more. Read our interview with Fist Full of Potions.

Fist Full of Potions' creators

Sacramento's Only FCBD Mini-Con is Saturday, May 3, 2014

Doors open: 9 am.

Meet some of Sacramento's finest artists, writers, comic book creators, podcasters, skaters, wrestlers, cosplayers, and more.

Fist Full Of Potions Podcasting Live at FCBD 2014!

Fist Full of Potions (FFoP) is a Sacramento area video game focused website, dedicated to bringing a unique brand of humor and analysis to the world of gaming.

Read on to learn more about Fist Full of Potions, including their appearance at Free Comic Book Day and an exclusive interview with these amazing podcasters (and while you're at it, remember to check out Empire's Comics Vault's podcast, aka, Empire's Open Podcast).

At Free Comic Book Day Mini-Con

They'll be joining Empire's Comics Vault on Saturday, May 3, for our annual Free Comic Book Day Mini-Con where they'll podcast in the shop. Maybe you'll get a chance to join them!

About FFoP

Everything they produce is done in their free time, in-between our day jobs and personal lives. Everything is funded out of pocket and no profit is received for their efforts. Now that's passion!

For FFoP, this is a way to gain experience in video game journalism and an outlet for their passion. Whatever the reason may be, they're joined forces because of their love for video games. While they don’t expect to be the next big thing in video game journalism, they constantly strive to leave their own unique mark on the Internet.

Everyone on the FFoP team has grown up with some sort of interest in comics. Whether it's following the Marvel and/or DC weeklies or whether it's catching strips from the Sunday paper occasionally. Video games only help to preserve their passion for comics by giving them a new way to experience the comics they love, f
rom games like Maximum Carnage on the Super Nintendo to more modern interpretations of these characters like Ultimate Alliance.

These games allow FFoP to become the heroes that they've read about for years -- and let's not forget games like Marvel vs. Capcom or Injustice! Finally the school yard argument of "who would win in a fight" can be realized in a digital form.

The Fist Full Of Potions Interview

Empire's: Describe your creative process.

FFoP: Chaos. When you look out Fist Fist of Potions you see a simple independent blog that produces new content weekly. When you look behind the curtain though, you see the stock market. This is partially due to the team being spread out across the country (as far as Chicago) and everyone's different schedule. Organizing, planning and producing is typically done on the fly. In a lot of cases projects are completed by different people at different times. It makes for frantic creative process but, it gets results. Often times I wonder how we even get anything done, but we do and that's part of the FFoP magic.

Empire's: Where do you draw inspiration? What drives you?

FFoP: People. Everyone who works with Fist Full of Potions has some sort of retail experience and we've seen how there are still people who don't fully grasp or understand the video game industry and its various outlets. The ESRB, violence in video games and the classic "you should be outside" are all topics we like to help educate people on when we have the opportunity to. When there is an informational need in the gaming community, it becomes an engaging challenge to answer the call of that and respond to it as only we feel we can!

Empire's: Why do you love what you do?

FFoP: Because we get to share our expertise on a topic with people who want to learn more. We get to critically analyze a topic and come to greater understanding of it. Most importantly though, we get to hang with our friends and share our love and passion for an industry that so many others appreciate.

Empire's: What are you doing special for our Free Comic Book Day Mini-Con?

FFoP: We will be attempting to podcast, live stream, and everything that we do pre-recorded live. Its going to be a learning experience, but we are excited to get out there and interact with other people who love the things we love.

Empire's: Favorite comic book or comic book movie?

FFoP: The Rocketeer, because hell yes we want a rocket pack!

Empire's: When you're doing what you do, what CD or artist do you listen to?

FFoP: We produce a lot of audio-driven content. In most cases we are listening to the audio from the project; However, when we get a chance to work quietly, it's very diverse. The team has a very eclectic taste in music that spans just about every genre. That being said, the correct answer is the soundtrack to Shatter.

Empire's: What's are 1-3 things you've learned from doing what you do?


1. It's a lot more work than it looks like.
2. It's not as fun as it looks from the other side when you first start out. Then it becomes as fun as it looks from the other side once everything falls into place.
3. Landing an interview with a known developer isn't as hard as it seems. In fact, it's just a matter of asking.

Empire's: What do you love about Sacramento?

FFoP: It's simple and vast. Sacramento has just about everything you need and if it's not here? It's only 2 hours away. Sand, snow, rain, heat any type of weather is just an hour or so away. Surfing, Rock Climbing, Wine Tasting, Skiing... it's all there. Now, if we could only find the time to do it ... ;)

Welcome to 2014 and What's New at Empire's This Year

If you blink on December 31, your eyes re-open two weeks into January. That's how fast a year moves. We take that as a sign of good things to come.

In fact, besides the fantastic announcements at this year's Image Con (wow, do they know how to kick off a year!), we too have some new things for you this year.

There's no doubt in our mind that this year's Free Comic Book Day will be our biggest and best ever, especially for our Comic Book Savings Club members. In 2013, we gave away more than 15,000 free comic books. We'll announce numbers again later this year. We're adding a new benefit in 2014: Graphic novels and collected editions are always on sale at 10% off for members. We're also experimenting with a board gaming night for members, so bring your favorite board game and let's play!

Store mascot Rolly the Pug
Speaking of savings programs, last year we started Rolly's Comic Book Reading Club for Children, a.k.a., Rolly's Reading Club (for short!), and we only had a soft rollout. This year, you'll be hearing lots more about it. How fantastic is it? Well, for kids 12 and under, comics from the kids shelf are always -- that's right, ALWAYS -- on sale. Plus, to encourage reading during the summer, we'll be rolling out a summer reading program with more incentives.

Now, here's a highly experimental, and hopefully, fun program that we're trying through March -- it's called the Rolly Button Program. Earn Rolly buttons by interacting with the store in one way or another (there's a whole chart of things you can do to earn buttons). Then, when you've collected enough buttons, redeem them for cool prizes, like store merchandise, or discounts (there's a whole chart of prizes too)! Ready to play? Start collecting today. You can earn 1 Rolly button by letting us know what you think about what we have planned this year in the comments section of this post. Be sure to show your comment to Ben when you're in the store, so he can give you a button.

Comic book videos
We'll continue bringing you up-to-date with highlights from each week's new comic books via our award winning (not really) YouTube channel, EmpiresCV.tv, where we've already amassed 134 weekly episodes, plus special guest shows by local comic book enthusiasts. In 2014, we're re-starting our comic book podcast. Yes, it's back by popular demand.

Last year we started featuring local artists on our art wall. This year watch for the return of the art gallery at Empire's Comics Vault. Know someone who should show in our gallery? Have them contact Ronnie via email.

Last but most definitely not least, we'll be promoting our favorite roller derby team and invited you to join us for their bouts! Long live the Sac City Rollers!

We hope you a great year too. What's on your list of things to accomplish in 2014?

See you in the shop!
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Before Watchmen: Minutemen - Issue 1 - Comic Book Review

Lots of folks are not interested in reading any of the Before Watchmen series.

The series starts with Minutemen. Even Ben, the owner of Empire's Comics Vault, didn't want to read it, but he did. And he liked it. Two of the Sacramento comic book shops fans read it also, and they recorded this 3 minute 43 second video review for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy.

Jacob DeSersa is the drummer of Seeker. He also hosts the geeky Pizza Party Podcast. Patrick Clarke is a permanent guest host on the Pizza Party Podcast. You'll also find Pizza Party Podcast on Facebook.

Movie Remake Mania

by Jeremy Shepherd

Movie Remakes Make Me Feel Old

Hello “Vaulties”, I don’t know about you all but I find myself feeling older with every movie re-make. I do realize this may seem silly to some, since I’m only 32 years old, but I believe that even younger audiences experience similar feelings.

The idea for this blog post came to me while I was watching X-Men: First Class. Although this is not, per se, a remake, but more of a prequel, it is easily a re-telling of the first movie. The first, original X-Men movie dropped in 2000, so it was 11 years ago that we were watching the original X-Men. This might seem rather recent when compared to, say, the first Star Trek movie, which was released in 1979 (the year I was born), and the remake of 2009; but in my opinion, both required a new story and fresh ideas.

X-Men: Re-Made

When the last X-Men movie, X-Men: The Last Stand, was made, it had a new director and big budget, however, it was a poor story with too many characters for one movie. This is a mistake that even comics don’t make. There must be character development! Although this movie made money, it was terrible.


So here comes X-Men: First Class - a new story and new actors breathing life into this wonderful subject. It had action, romance and wonderful story telling, and was, in my opinion, “A Must See.”

Star Trek 2009 For The Next Generation

Next up: Star Trek 2009. I say “2009” because I do not want to confuse the two.  When this movie was announced I was intrigued. I like J.J. Abrams style and felt the casting was done well, even bringing back a taste of the old movies by casting Leonard Nimoy. The new cast included Chris Pine as Captain Kirk, Zachary Quinto as a younger Spock, and Zoe Saldana as Lt. Uhura.


I call myself a next generation “Trekkie” because I loved this film but did not really care for the original. I love Star Trek 2009 and have watched it at least 10 times. I look forward to the next movie, since the ground work in this remake was so well laid out. I foresee nothing but great things to come. Even my wife enjoyed this movie, and she hates Star Trek. Now that says a lot.

Planet Ape Rising

Rise of the Planet of the Apes is a very long title for a great film. The original Planet of the Apes came out in 1968. It was remade - poorly, in the opinion of many -  in 2001 by Tim Burton. Rise was a good film. It was an amazing story and re-telling of a great movie. James Franco and John Lithgow deliver great performances, yet, even more so, the apes are the stars (CGI and very hard to tell). By the end of the movie, you are cheering for the apes killing the humans. This is far removed from the “damn dirty apes,” as famously delivered by Charlton Heston.


On a side note, recently I heard a story on the Doug Loves Movies podcast by Doug Benson.  A 60-year-old woman asked for a refund after watching Rise, but she had watched the whole movie! When the attendant asked why, she said, ‘nobody told me that the humans were going to be mean to the apes.’ This is why remakes exist! Good or bad, it brings in a new group of consumers.

The Bad and The Ugly

Most of this article has been positive, yet I feel there can just as easily be poor if not horrible remakes. Tim Burton is a good example of why you don’t let someone with their own style touch a remake. Example A: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Example B: Planet of The Apes. However I feel he did very well with Alice in Wonderland, which was an animated film done in live action. There are many more horrible remakes with too many to list. Feel free to add more in the comments.

With the rush of remakes coming through, you wonder what now beloved film that just was made will be remade in 10 years. Here are just a few remakes coming to theatres soon:

Total Recall
Foot Loose
The Amazing Spiderman (It’s too soon for a remake!)
The Muppets
The Gambler
The Bodyguard
The Thing
Back to the Future (I didn’t even know about this tell I wrote this blog. I am both scared and excited.)

The End?

Your favorite movie will be remade at some point - unless it is some odd B-movie or independent, and in that case, you are already bored with this article. Take, for example, Back to the Future, which is my favorite movie. Remaking Back to the Future will breathe new life into the franchise whether I, as a fan, like it or not.

Think about it… Star Wars IV: A New Hope - Remake! Love them or hate them they are coming.


About The Author

Jeremy Shepherd is 32 years old, married, and has two children, a 5 year old boy and a 3 year old girl. He shares with them his love for comics and the San Francisco Giants. Jeremy enjoys watching movies and TV and reading comics.

More posts by Jeremy
