Rolly & Dylan children's book a hit

I'm happy to see and hear that the Rolly & Dylan children's picture book is being well-received by readers. Check out these two adorable photos that were sent to me (published here, with permission).

I've written the scripts for books 2 and 3 and they're being edited. I'm sure I'll need to do some rewriting. That's just how it goes. After that, they'll be reviewed by an editorial eye, and so on.

I’m excited to share that I’ve selected an artist: Jen Monson. Jen recently did the art for Ronnie Donnie’s book, More Than Anything and Everything (available in the shop). Among many, Jen loves Rolly & Dylan and they’ve been the subject of her art, which you’ve likely seen on the Art Wall. On top of that, she regularly stops in to the shop just to visit them. She’s perfect for the second book.

Lastly I’m pleased to share Jen’s concept sketches for the project. More updates to come.

Concept art for the next by Jen Monson (