3 Tips for Comics Kickstarter Retailer Incentives

Comics Kickstarter has helped bring so many great comics into the world.

I recently interviewed Tim Watts about his comic project that was endorsed by Director Kevin Smith.

Something I've noticed is that retailer incentive levels are not consistently offered by comics creators. As a retailer, I believe that's a missed opportunity.

I've backed various projects and enjoyed the benefits of their retailer incentives. Some of my favorites have been:

As a retailer, there have been some projects I would have supported had there been a retailer incentive level--and if the offering at that level were a good fit.

With that in mind, here's what I look for in retailer incentives when there's a book I want to bring into the shop.

Why Retailer Incentives

Good retailer incentives can put more copies of your book into the world and in front of potential readers, helping grow your fanbase.

Then, new comic book day comes, and there's your book laid out next to all the other books. That's not something you want to pass up. Customers look forward to walking the new comics every week.

And what's better than having your book in the hands of one reader? Having 5-10 of your books in my shop--and other shops.

But to stand a chance at making that happen, it means creating Kickstarter incentive levels to entice retailers.

So, here are my recommendations.

Retailer Incentive Level Recommendations

Personally, I like it simple. You need to make some money or cover your costs, and the retailer needs to make some money.

With that in mind, here's what I look for:

  1. Just books, nothing else--no posters, pins, patches, etc.

  2. Two levels: one with 5 books, one with 10 books.

  3. A good price ratio: I want to be able to sell your book and make at least the same profit as I'd make on any other indie book through a traditional comics distributor.

And that's it. There's a lot to prepare when launching a comics Kickstarter, but don't overlook retailer incentives.

I hope to see more comics Kickstarters with one or two levels for comic shops.

And when you get your comic up on Kickstarter, hit us up, we may have an opening for an interview on our live KickstartThis! interview show.

All the best and much success, ^Ben

Rae Allen’s project, The Manderfield Devil.