The Year of the Creatives Begins Today

You probably noticed how much we love Sacramento. If not, just take a look at our calendar of events -- past and present.

In 2017, we've decided to really connect the dots. We're celebrating creatives and creative acts all year long.

Get into Sacramento's creative culture

We hope you'll join us in getting to know Sacramento's creative culture. Maybe you'll learn something about our creative community that you didn't know or hadn't experienced before. If you do, please share it with us.

Do something creative you haven't done before

Today is the first day of 2017. Three hundred and sixty-four days from today what creative endeavors would you like to have accomplished? Better yet, how about 90 days from now? What one or two new creative endeavors are on your bucket list? Let's do it -- together -- because we have one or two things on our list also.

Next time you're in the shop, asks us what we're up to and let us know what's on your list. Also, stay tuned for new opportunities to experience Sacramento's creative culture.

And if you're not already on our mailing list, you might want to sign up. It's going to be an exciting year.