Members Appreciation Party and Games

Friday night about 30 members of our savings club program and their guests joined us for pizza, drinks, board games, comic book reading, and video games.

If you're thinking about saving money on your comics, join the club before December 31 in order to get maximum benefits in 2014.

Board games, card games and video games

In the game department, Injustice was a hit, but so were Princess Bride: Storming the Castle, King of Tokyo, and Love Letters.

We has so much fun and made so much noise playing games that we're checking our calendar to see what day each week would be good for a regular game night.

Celebrating 10 years in comics

A special gift, "The Pug People And Their Prized Pug," an original painting by Jared Konopitski, was presented to Ben Schwartz in celebration of the store's 10-year anniversary.

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Welcome Two New Podcasts to Sacramento -- Geek Charisma and Pizza Party

If you've missed our podcast, we apologize. We're deep in the throes of preparing for Free Comic Book Day. We returning to our podcast by sharing some Lost Episodes from back in the day when we would take hours and hours to edit and enhance the audio. Now, we typically, just go with what was recorded, so you hear it right after we record.
(Incidentally, in case you missed it, Free Comic Book Day is this amazing Geek Holiday that takes place every year on the first Saturday of May. In case you hadn't heard, we turned it into a Mini-Con this year.)
We're excited to welcome Pizza Party podcast and Geek Charisma podcast to the Sacramento podcasting scene.
After the Avengers vs. X-Men party we had at Empire's Comics Vault, Jake DeSersa and Joshua Cargain, members of the Sacramento punk rock band Seeker, decided to pull the trigger on this podcast idea that they'd been kicking around. Patrick Clarke is a permanent co-host, and probably one of Sacramento's top podcast guests.
Patrick can also be heard on Sacramento's Nerd Sharks podcast and Empire's Open Podcast. On the Pizza Party podcast, you'll hear Patrick talks about indie titles in a segment of the show called "Patty's Indie Corner."