Our Commitment to Health and Safety

UPDATE 8-20-20

Our doors are open and you are welcome to come in while wearing a mask and keeping distance from other customers. However, we will still be offering mail order and curbside pick-up. Please let Ben know any way that he can help you.


Hey, everybody, as part of our commitment to health and safety at Empire's Comics Vault, we want you to know we've been wiping down all majorly used surfaces, such as door handles, the debit/credit card payment device, faucets, etc., with Clorox wipes.

But not burgers and fries. Instead, East of West, Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman, Spider-man, X-Men. (Photo by Terry Jaskiw on Unsplash)

But not burgers and fries. Instead, East of West, Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman, Spider-man, X-Men. (Photo by Terry Jaskiw on Unsplash)

Offering Shipping &Curb Side Service

We also understand your concern about your own welfare and the welfare of your loved ones, so we're offering an additional service.

Until further notice, we’re offering curbside delivery and shipping.

We know what it’s like to desperately want to read some comic books. So, if you'd prefer not to come inside, give us a call, we'll take your payment over the phone, and have your comic books ready for you.

Then when you arrive, give us a call and we'll bring your books right out to you! it’s that simple, and it’s a complimentary service.

If you would rather not leave the house, you can give us a call, we’ll take your payment over the phone, and have your books shipped to you.

As the situation in our region changes, we'll provide more information about any changes here at the store. Please be safe and stay well,

Ben, Jenn, Rolly, Dylan, and everyone here at the shop
Empire's Comics Vault