Read #1ComicADay with Empire's Comics

Last Tuesday, Ben and I were meeting to plan great things for the comic shop (I'm the marketing maven). He says to me, "I want to start reading one comic book everyday."

This sounds like one of his cockeyed plans to get me to read through some of the titles that are piling up in my "Read Pile." Turns out I have a bad reputation for keeping up on the titles I love. Just ask Joey or Patrick or Jake or the pugs...

But this is different: this time it's for himself. We commiserate about how life and work and business and the business of life get in the way and how comics get pushed aside far too easily.

And then, well... things got in the way. Two days go by but I still hadn't read anything -- not even on "New Comic Book Wednesday." So, today, Thursday, we're meeting again (there's always lots to do right before Free Comic Book Day Festival).

Before we start working, Ben says, "I want to read one comic everyday, so that's what I'm going to do first."

"Ok. Me too." So he reads Low and I read Think Tank (by Matt Hawkins who you can meet at FCBD Festival, by the way).

And thus begins a new movement, a new initiative! You are invited to join us, even if you already read one comic (or more) every day. But if you don't, we're ok being a movement of two (haha, pathetic!).

Ben will post his reads on Instagram/Twitter and I will post mine on Twitter. We'll be hashtagging it with #1ComicADay.

Turns out that this works really well: we both read three books today.