Shop Improvements, More Comfort

In addition to our well-lit, open space, we now have couches! It's been a long time coming, and so far, they're well received.

How To Use A Couch - Ha, Ha

We've had customers stop by on their lunch break, eat, and read their comics. Some Savings Club Members pick up their books and then take a seat to read the current issue from that week's take. Some customers have stopped in to talk comics and movies. There's even talk of starting up a graphic novel reading club again. It's why we have couches.

Around the couches are tables. Under the center table, there are some games. Feel free to pull them out, and strike up a friendly game.

You've probably noticed our new, uniform bookshelves also. Yes, they're IKEA's Billy, haha, and they're perfect, providing a cleaner look and feel to the shop.

Note: You don't have to be a Savings Club Member to use the couches, but why wouldn't you sign up, it's free.