Let's talk with The Baboon's Creator Jamie Jones

Nothing but fun waiting for you this week! Here's the lineup.

SUN | 12:00 PM | Mar. 10, 2019
Heroes Fan Experience Ticket Sales

Get your tickets for the Hardly Heroes Fan Experience for the Avengers: Endgame movie--and make sure you don’t miss out on in-theater festivities! With Hardly Heroes you'll even get your seats before the general public! The two movie events will be April 25 at 6pm and April 27 at 10:30am. (Add to FB calendar)

TUE | 6:00 PM | Mar. 12, 2019
Jamie Jones Interview--LIVE Online

Jamie Jones is a comics creator with an exciting new, all-ages, project in the works, called "The Baboon." We're excited to talk to him about this new project. Find the campaign on Kickstarter. (Add to FB calendar)

THU | 6:30 PM | Mar. 14, 2019
Graphic Novel Discussion: DeptH

From master storyteller Matt Kindt comes a tale of underwater intrigue. Let's talk about it. (Add to FB calendar)

FRI | 7:00 PM | Mar. 15, 2019
Movie Night at Empire's Comics Vault

We have another classic movie headed your way and more popcorn too. Come out for a good time. We have couches. (Add to FB calendar)

SAT | 11:00 AM | Mar. 16, 2019
Sac BrickBuilders Meetup

It's been a little while since our last movie crew--and now it's time! Marvelous things are in store. Hope we'll see you there. (Add to FB calendar)

SAT | 2:00 PM | Mar. 16, 2019
Card Game BETA-Play! 

In Alchemental, there can be only one Keeper of the Celestial Sphere. Do you have what it takes to forge the Philosopher's Stone and take the Celestial Throne? Whoever forges the Philosopher's Stone first WINS! (Add to FB calendar) This new game comes from the mind of talented artist, writer, professor, art historian Kristine Balog!

SUN | 1:00 PM | Mar. 17, 2019
Carrie Alskar Art Reception

Come out and meet the artist behind the art! Illustrator/painter Carrie Alskar brings amazing creations to life. Carrie is our artist of the month for March. (Add to FB calendar)