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Cosplay Sketch Featuring Model Jennifer Ravensong

Whether you’re a cosplayer or an artist — or both — be sure to participate in our twice-a-month Cosplay Sketch.

Meet the model and talk cosplay, then have a seat and sketch, paint, sculpt, or draw the model. Entry is $10 at the door — and all proceeds go directly to the model.

On Tuesday, August 29, 2017, from 6 - 9 PM, cosplay model Jennifer Ravensong will pose as Poison Ivy for your sketching pleasure ( click to add this event to your FB calendar).

Check our Facebook calendar for additional upcoming sessions.

Who Is Cosplayer Jennifer Ravensong?

Jennifer Ravensong (on FB at J Ravensong Productions | Instagram | Twitter) is a fictional character, with a solid mythology.

Known in some parts as the Villainous Vixen Ravensong, no one knows who the Lady Ravensong truly is; her name and face have changed so many times.

What is known is that she will never remain the same for very long, always changing and morphing to blend into her environment. 

She is known to win the affections of men and women alike, only to bring them to their undoing. A black widow by nature and a siren at heart, she will woo unsuspecting victims with the beauty of her words and song and is sure to drive you to madness. 

While it is said she has a heart of gold, very few have seen past her walls, but to those she holds dear, she is an angel in disguise.

But never trust a villain or a woman….especially a villainous woman.

She was trained in the Companion arts from birth and was then discovered to have a very high count of metachlorian.

She trained in the Jedi arts under Mace Windu before she was betrayed utterly and turned to the darkside. Now a Sith, she carries her light saber with her always but only resorts to its use in the trickiest of situations.